There are no small lies.
Your integrity is built and maintained when you do what you say you will do, in service to others.
Your integrity is eroded when you behave in ways that are self-serving or demeaning to others around you.
Why do people lie? Some do so to get their kids in an elite university. Some do so to take credit for others’ work. Some do so to make themselves look good. Some do so to win arguments.
Some lie because they don’t want to disappoint others. The truth may reveal they’ve fallen short or made mistakes.
Sometimes our lies are subtle – little “white lies.” It doesn’t matter; every lie erodes our integrity.
If a social media meme you “like” or share is not factual, you are promoting an un-truth. Your integrity takes a hit.
If you blame one political party or the other for conspiracies, for example, you’re missing the mark – and you’re promoting lies. That chips away at your integrity.
If any of your plans, decisions, or actions demean, discount, or dismiss others, that erodes your integrity.
In today’s three-minute episode of my Culture Leadership Charge video series, I share a story about being asked to lie – by my boss – and how I handled that challenging scenario.
This is episode sixty-three of my Culture Leadership Charge series. Each episode is a short (two-to-three-minute) video that describes proven culture leadership and servant leadership practices that boost engagement, service, and results across your work teams, departments, regions, companies – and even homes and neighborhoods.
You’ll find my Culture Leadership Charge episodes and more on my YouTube and my iTunes channels. If you like what you see, please subscribe!
Create a purposeful, positive, productive work culture with @scedmonds' #Culture #Leadership Charge video episodes! #WorkPlaceInspiration #PurposefulCulture Share on XPhoto © Adobe Stock – asierromero. All rights reserved.
How do you protect your integrity? How do you ensure that your plans, decisions, and actions, are based on facts – not conjecture? Share your insights or questions on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Refreshing to see honest and transparent work valued. Thank you.
Very kind, Daisy – thank you. A lot of people behave with integrity every single day around the globe. They deserve our gratitude!