What drives your business today? If asked, would team members say your business’ primary “reason for being” is making money (or widgets) – or something more meaningful?
If your organization is like most on this planet, team members have been taught over time that results – making money or delivering your products and services – is the company’s sole purpose. The problem with that? Very few in your organization receive any direct benefit from making money. The impact on their work lives is negligible.
Worse, team members feel disconnected from any meaningful purpose at work. They’re doing a repeatable set of activities daily. They are insulated from the customer. They’re not serving the customer, they’re cogs in a wheel.
It’s no wonder that research like TinyPulse’s 2014 engagement and culture report found that only 21% of employees feel strongly valued at work!
In today’s episode of my Culture Leadership Charge video series, I outline a better way: servant purpose. Leaders can change the dynamic by helping all employees understand how their work helps improve communities – and helps improve customers’ quality of life daily.
My Culture Leadership Charge series features short (two-to-three-minute) videos that describe proven culture leadership and service leadership practices that boost engagement, service, and results across your work teams, departments, regions, and even your entire company.
Each episode’s “charge” is a challenge for everyone in your organization – not just leaders – to refine their behaviors and ensure everyone is treated respectfully at all times.
You’ll find my Culture Leadership Charge episodes and more on my my YouTube channel and my my Vimeo channel. If you like what you see, please subscribe!
View @scedmonds #Culture #Leadership Charge video series on @YouTube http://drtc.me/ytube & @Vimeo http://drtc.me/vimeo Share on XPhoto © luckybusiness – Adobe Stock. All rights reserved.
Outstanding message Chris! A compelling purpose will absolutely change the game on the level of employee engagement and morale in an organization. All your points are spot on! Thanks for all you do to continue to help people to understand how to be intentional about building a purposeful culture. You are making a significant positive difference in this world!
Thank you, Mark! As an executive that inspired a purposeful, positive, productive work culture, you know better than I how critical servant purpose – and servant leadership – is in crafting a great business.