We’re nearly halfway through 2018.

How’s the year going for you? Are you managing your various roles at home and work and community effectively?

If you’re like most humans, you’re running full tilt and never getting caught up.

Frantic is an apt descriptor of how you engage in life and work and community.

What if you were able to reset – to recalibrate – and learn to serve well and lead well and live well in every context and every role?

That would change frantic to fantastic.

Rushing from task to task or meeting to meeting doesn’t bring sanity, calm, engagement, learning, and fun into our lives.

A reset can provide clarity on what’s most important – on how we want to serve others, on how we best serve others, and how serving others brings calm, learning, and fun into our lives.

In today’s three-minute episode of my Culture Leadership Charge video series, I describe how my reset – driven by a significant health scare – helped clarify my servant purpose, values, and behaviors. Once clear, I’ve worked hard daily to live those – which has brought calm, fun, and contribution.

My Culture Leadership Charge series features short (two-to-three-minute) videos that describe proven culture leadership and servant leadership practices that boost engagement, service, and results across your work teams, departments, regions, and even your entire company.

Each episode’s “charge” is a challenge for everyone in your organization – not just leaders – to refine their behaviors and ensure everyone is treated respectfully at all times.

You’ll find my Culture Leadership Charge episodes and more on my YouTube channel. If you like what you see, please subscribe!

Don't miss a single episode of @scedmonds' #Culture #Leadership Charge video series - short & powerful! #PurposefulCulture http://drtc.me/ytube Share on X

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How frantic is your life – at work and home and community – today? Would a recalibration bring clarity and significance into your daily life? Share your insights on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

S. Chris Edmonds

Chris helps leaders create purposeful, positive, productive work cultures. He's a speaker, author, and executive consultant. He blogs, podcasts, and video casts. He is the author of two Amazon bestsellers: Good Comes First (2021) and The Culture Engine (2014).
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