
Welcome to Driving Results Through Culture, the web home of author, speaker, and executive consultant S. Chris Edmonds. The following guide describes who we are through our purpose, values, and branding specifics. Feel free to use the graphics, colors, and fonts that follow for Chris Edmonds' mentions or marketing material.


Chris' life purpose is to inspire and encourage others – life leaders and participants – to clarify their personal values and to serve with authenticity.


Integrity – Definition: Do what I say I will do. Behaviors: Formalize my commitments with clear agreements. Keep my commitments. Live my values and behaviors.

Learning – Definition: Actively seek out information that builds new knowledge and skills. Behaviors: Scan the environment for current research and discoveries that enlighten me. Refine my skills often; toss antiquated approaches for improved approaches. Proactively share my learning so others benefit.

Joy – Definition: Celebrate the pleasure derived from doing things I’m good at and which serve others well. Behaviors: Be happy; if I’m not happy, change it up so happiness is present. Surround myself with happy people who see the good in others. Engage in the grace I feel when serving others well.

Perfection – Definition: Deliver excellence. Behaviors: Deliver what I promise, on time and under budget. Exceed standards or expectations where possible. Consistently WOW my partners and customers.


Please use the Purposeful Culture Group logos without manipulating the graphics. You can download a zip file of all the logos here.

The Purposeful Culture Group logo


These primary colors should be predominantly used for the design of any material representing The Purposeful Culture Group.

Purposeful Blue

RGB: (136,187,214)
HEX: #88BBD6


RGB: (62,62,59)
HEX: #3E3E3B


RGB: (205,205,205)


RGB: (233,233,233)
HEX: #E9E9E9

These secondary colors should be used sparingly as accents.

Stiletto Red

RGB: (140,44,44)
HEX: #8C2C2C


RGB: (238,53,68)
HEX: #EE3544


RGB: (153,211,223)
HEX: #99D3DF


Julis San One - Headers and Titles

Cormorant Regular - Body text - Example: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Press Kit

For bios, photos, and more on S. Chris Edmonds, please visit the press kit page.

Do you want to boost engagement by 40%?

Chris will show you how to better align your culture in a step-by-step process that has worked time and time again.

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